HFBS Free for Gov Projects

HFBS Free for Gov Projects

Access to the HFBS Briefing Module for government projects is free.

The HFBS Briefing Module allows governments across the world to rapidly brief health facilities using the latest health facility standards and gudelines.

The powerful Briefing Module is an essential tool for health facility planners across the globe and has been used in both large and small hospital design projects.

To get free access follow these three simple steps:


Register an account with HFBS, register using this link.


Create a project in the HFBS Briefing Module (for a list of Domain’s please check here).


Email techsupport@healthdesign.com.au with your username, domain, and project name – they will provide a rolling yearly subscription. Important: Your HFBS account and email must use an official government email account…

Quick Start Video:
Watch this 6min video on how to register on HFBS, setup your project, and get started with your next government health facility brief today…